Friday 30 January 2015

First post !

 This is the first post of my blog for IS20110 Social Computing and Media. This blog counts towards are overall grade for this module.

 We had our first 'Face2Face' lab today and it was interesting to see how we would be able to create and design an app for our group project. It was hard to actually find the lab room at first because we hadn't been to Newstead before.

 In the first two weeks we have started to look at social media, communication and internet users. It has been interesting and we have learned a lot of cool facts such as how many people are online in each county which had some surprising figures for a few countries. We also have been assigned our groups from the first lecture so we could get organising the group project immediately which was a good idea. Our group met up before the second lecture and we all got on and discussed ideas for the project.

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