Friday 6 February 2015

Week 3 !

So we've been coming up with ideas for the app in our group! One of the girls has suggested the idea of an app that helps for this example..
 you're in your house you look in the fridge and in the cupboards you don't have a whole lot bought so you want to know what you can make with what you have, so if you have this app you can type in your few food items you have and a list of recipes that only use these items will appear!

We all seem on board with it but are still brainstorming.

The actual making and designing of the app will be through the MIT app inventor programming tool. In my first lab i couldn't get it to work on the computer i was using so i couldn't properly create the app HelloPurr but i did start practicing on the design page and it was very hard to understand how to work it at first. We had to try and do a screengrab of it but some of us haven't been able to get it working properly so are using other laptops to do it.

 We all have the programme inventor installed on our laptops now and we will be using it to create our app! You can also use the programme on your phone if its an android but not iphones which caused problems also.

 In class this week we discussed user generated content which involves reviews online etc, it is basically information created by users of an information system. We took part in a questions and answers excercise in pairs and posted our notes to blackboard notetaking.

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